
Saturday, July 2, 2011

Produce Pack #2

This week's produce pack arrived just in time for the long weekend so no excuses not to get proper vitamins this weekend!  It also arrived on a fairly busy evening for us but we were able to pick it up on our way into Saint John for the start of long weekend craziness.  There will be future posts about some of the craziness which included an awesome time getting my make up done by Carrie from Persona Bella (while my dog demanded her attention over and over) and a fabulous photo shoot with Sheldon Parsons (ie us taking up a TON of his time).  But that's for later.  For now, let's talk vegetabales!

This week we got an email from Farmer's Bundles showing us photos of the produce to come nestled safely in the ground.  I also appreciate their advice on how to store various products to keep their shelf life as long as possible. 

Ready to open box at the end of the evening

Everything wrapped up

Potatoes from last year.
We used up some of those on Canada Day with the bbq.

This one I can name without looking at that sheet :)

Spinach again this week. Easy to use.

Mild Radish and Garlic Scapes (that I needed the sheet for)

Beet greens

Here's everything from Pack #2

Everything from pack #2
And in keeping with last week, here's this week's bug

That wasn't listed on the sheet.


Elizabeth said...

It all looks great. I got a box this week too - potatoes, onions, beetroot, kohl rabi (one of my favourites), salad leaves, cherry tomatoes, mushrooms and broad beans. And that is the 'Mini box'!

Anonymous said...

I like the picture of the bug, because I like it when bugs will eat the food I am going to. The way I see it, if a Bug won't eat it... neither should I!

Yay for Organic!!