1. Church pancake breakfasts. These were a childhood staple and any Easter I don't go feels just the tiniest bit wrong. When I was little my parents were Church Youth Group leaders and the teens used to help make the breakfasts so we were there super early... in our pjs... which leads to...
2. New Easter Dresses that often had a little purse or a hat or gloves or all of thee above. All the little girls at Church would have lovely (generally white) dresses for Easter. None of us were allowed to have pancake breakfast wearing them of course so we were all taken to the bathroom to get changed before the service.
3. When I was in grade 1 Mum came to school to help my class make Hot-Cross Bunnies. They were bunnies made out of hot-cross bun stuff. I always think I love hot cross buns because of this memory... only they have raisins and I don't like raisins. Assuming the raisins were optional.
4. Cadbury Creme Eggs have been around since the beginning of time right? (Ok, I totally looked it up and turns out the creme egg as we know it has been around since the 1960s) I have no idea when I was allowed to have my first one but there's something about the sense memory of eating a creme egg that just says "all is right with the world"
5. During middle school my friends and I all started to learn to play band instruments (as opposed to the piano and recorder knowledge I already had). A couple of Easters in a row four of us (my friend and our younger brothers) played at the sunrise service that our church had outside, by the water, sometimes (like this year) in the snow. I remember the attempts to keep the instruments warm and it makes me laugh.
6. Writing that just reminded me of taking part in the Passion Plays at the campus chapel when I was a university student. No idea how I'd blanked on that one before. It was usually a little stressful since it tended to be right when end of term papers were due but so much fun. One year the play paralleled the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Christ. Not sure there are many Passion Plays that require Natzi uniforms... or many Welsh Bonhoeffers but we had both.
7. The year I was doing my Masters I was too far away to bother coming home for Easter which (like this year) was at the same time as Mum's birthday. Little Brother was at university as well. The two of us decided to surprise Mum, Dad and Baby Brother. It involved me driving 10 hours on Good Friday and then again on Easter Monday but it was great fun.
8. One of my favourite Easters was the one when I was living in Austria. Spring in the Alps is a beautiful time (well all year round in the Alps really) and it was such a wonderful weekend of celebration with a Passion Play that began on Friday and concluded on Sunday.
9. This one has been mentioned many, many times. The year Husband and I were engaged we went camping in the Peak District over Easter. Husband would point out that I was miserable but it's made such a good story that it is now a wonderful memory. Plus I was only truly miserable the first night. The second night I had a little tiny mattress and the snow insulated the tent!
10. This one is a mixed memory too because it was another Easter camping trip (the first year we were married) and I wound up getting sick. We turned up at Husband's Aunt's place for the big family get together and I looked pretty bad. I was put in a corner and given a lot of tea. I think my sister in law brought the bunny ears.... I love the photos that came out of that!
This week I'm not only linking up with Mom 2 Memphis and Ruby for Tuesday 10. I'm actually co-hosting! Link up with us below and grab a button to let people know what you're up to!
I like your title :-)
I love the way you interpret each week's theme!
Thanks for co-hosting!!
Such a cute post! Seemed like you had a lovely Easter!
Suzie Q
Style Cue by Suzie Q
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