
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Boxing Up

Happy Boxing Day Everyone.

We have in fact boxed up our Christmas already.  Husband has been very indulgent of my craziness and actually helped me take down the Christmas tree yesterday afternoon before we headed off on an hour long drive to have Christmas dinner with my extended family.  I'm not normally quite so compulsive about packing away the decorations but we're headed off on a road trip and I didn't want it all waiting for me when I got back.  We're incredibly lucky to have friends who are not only willing but actually happy to move in with our fluffballs while we go away for a few days. 

We had a wonderful Christmas.  Husband was naughty and went way over board while supporting local businesses like crazy.  Here's a little bit of our Christmas.  I'm off to see Les Mis (so excited!!) before we hit the road.

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