
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Birthday Suit

Alright, everyone's minds out of the gutter. I couldn't resist using the post title this week though.  This is my last outfit post pre-Birthday Haircut. It's also the first one with my lovely new Bling Borrowers bag.

The things that you do as a Canadian Blogger. Did I wait until a mild day? Nope, just head out in -5 Celsius and demand your camera man snap some photos. Made all the more difficult by no-longer-small kittens climbing screen doors.

Top- Bamboo Blend from Marks Work Warehouse (crazy things you can find there). Gift from Husband because he knows I love purple
Skirt- Ricki's
Jacket- Ricki's
Shoes- Calvin Klein from Urban Shoe Myth
Tights- ShaToBu
Necklace- My sister-in-law gifted it to me. I'm betting Accessorize in the UK. Sister-in-law has great taste. Have featured pressies from her before
Bag- Michael Kors from Bling Borrowers

Kitten on screen door- likely to cause damage


Elizabeth said...

Great outfit - very smart but also eye-catching. Love the attention-seeking kitty pic too!

Melissa Wright said...

Love the blazer and I am still drooling over that bling borrowers bag!

Bling Borrowers said...

Love the outfit! Hope you had a fabulous day celebrating.